What’s in your Veggie Box (Week 44B)

Vegetables this week include: pumpkin, bok choy, purple cauliflower, leeks, beetroot and carrots for small and medium boxes, plus in the large box broccoli, avos and broad beans. Fruit will be strawberries, oranges and pears.

In the small and regular boxes:

pumpkin – We thought that pumpkin season had well and truly come to its end, but it turned out one of our farmers had some hidden treasure in their storage, lucky for us! Just in time for Halloween, it’s a perfect time to make a delicious pumpkin pie.

bok choy –  Served with some noodles or rice, these crispy tofu bowls with sesame bok choy are a easy weeknight meal.

purple cauliflower – Still a regular favourite in our house, if you haven’t made Ottolenghi’s divine cauliflower cake yet, definitely give it try this week!

leeks – Great for putting in pies, frittatas, soups, and of course, a creamy risotto!

beetroot – Filled with crunchy textures, aromatic herbs, brightly coloured veg and delicious flavours this colourful beet salad with carrot, quinoa and greens is a splendid lunch for this week!

dutch carrots – If you’ve got any leftover fennel from last week’s box, here’s a delightful broad bean, fennel and carrot pilaf or you could even make carrot and broad bean risotto.

In the large boxes:

– As the hass avocado season is only just beginning, it’s possible that these glorious avos won’t be ripe a week or so! If you’re as impatient as I am, try popping your avos in a paper bag with some bananas to speed up the ripening process and look forward to delicious dishes like this avocado and broad bean mash when they’re ready to enjoy!

broad beans – When eating larger, mature broad beans, its generally a good idea to shell and double pod the beans otherwise the outside can be a little tough! Though, when the broad beans are smaller and younger, you can finely slice up the entire beans, shell and all and they have a beautiful crunchy flavour similar to a green capsicum – super tasty fried up with some onion and garlic and eaten with scrambled eggs or in a burrito!

salad mix – Wonderful healthy side dish for dinner. Toss it together with a yoghurt, olive oil, lemon and garlic dressing! Add some and finely sliced onions (soaked briefly in ice water to reduce the strength), if you want a little extra punch.

In the fruit boxes:

apples – Unfortunately it rained too much for our strawberries this week, but we’re hopeful that next week they’ll be ready to go! Instead we’ve got some beautiful apples for you all.

oranges –
We love putting orange slices in salads as the sweetness always balances out the flavour of the greens! Or use the juice to glaze some dutch carrots in the oven.

packham pears – These soft, sweet pears are pure heaven! Enjoy them for breakfast with some muesli and yoghurt.

1 thoughts on “What’s in your Veggie Box (Week 44B)

  1. Rebecca Rosinger says:

    Yum! Sounds amazing – I am obsessed with cauliflower but have never tried purple cauliflower. Can’t wait!

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