Author Archives: Rachael Koch

Creating a Finn-Babydoll Southdown Cross: The Aim

Finn-Babydoll Southdown Cross

I’ve posted before about our Finn ewes, and our Babydoll Southdown ram. And I’ve mentioned that we are hoping to breed Finn-Babydoll Southdown cross. Once we have our F1 generation, we want to choose the traits we are interested and continue breeding until these traits are genetically stable. Eventually we’ll use our new ‘Heritage Sheep’ […]

Using Small Sheep in Vineyards

There are jobs that everyone associates with growing fruit. Things like harvesting are easy to romanticise, even though they can be exhausting physical labour. People also think about winter pruning. Less easy to romanticise, but personally I’d prefer to be rugged up in the rain than sweltering outside on a 35 degree summer day 🙂