Cherry Almond Cake

completed cherry almond cake

After our wedding we were left with a whole bunch of sugar and almond meal, and I thought it would be great to pop them in a nice dessert. We’ve got a 1kg box of cherries in the fridge that we’re slowly working our way through (as we’re often out). I thought combining the two might make something delicious – and fortunately my hunch has paid off!

Cherry Almond Cake

This is a really easy cake, that tastes great warm or cool at room temperature. The total duration was about 45 minutes including a cooking time of about 30 minutes. Most of the ingredients should be available in the pantry too.

cherry almond cake - almond meal and flour
Almond meal and self raising gluten free flour in a mixing bowl.


  • 1/2 cup of butter
  • 300 grams of cherries
  • 1 cup of gluten free self raising flour (substitute for non-gf if desired)
  • 2/3 cup of almond meal
  • Sprinkle of salt
  • 2 duck eggs
  • 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 cup of milk
cherry almond cake - eggs and sugar
Duck eggs seem to take baked goods like cakes to the next level. They are rich though, so be prepared!


  1.  Turn the oven to 200C.
  2. Melt the butter in a saucepan.
  3. Mix the flour, almond meal and salt together in a bowl.
  4. In another bowl beat the sugar and eggs until thick and light in colour.
  5. Mix in the butter and milk.
  6. Cut the cherries in half or quarter and put in the bowl with the flour and almond meal.
  7. Combine the flour and almond meal mixture with the eggs and sugar and mix with a spoon.
  8. Pour entire mixture into a cake baking tin, allowing room for the cake to rise.
  9. Cook for 25-30 minutes. And there you have a cherry almond cake!

I got some of my inspiration from reading this recipe.

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