Author Archives: Rachael Koch

Starvation in Springtime

capsicum seedling

It’s a heartless headline, maybe. But historically it’s accurate. Pre-supermarkets, pre-freezers, and pre processed foods with used by dates years away, spring was the time that people starved. It still can be in subsistence societies with a temperate climate. Winter, although cold, is easy to get through with the bounty of autumn. Cabbages, broccoli, greens, […]

What’s in your veggie box (week 27A)

In the small and regular boxes: Carrots – For a truly marvellous blend of veggies in a salad, make this roast carrot & avocado salad with orange & lemon dressing. With its gorgeous Morrocan seasoning and perfect balance of flavours and textures, it’s a wonderful meal to serve with some fresh sourdough bread. Kale – […]