Wombok Salad with Honey Soy Glazed Pumpkin

Wombok Salad with honey soy glazed pumpkin

A little bit of Asian Fusion happening at Heritage Farm this week with our Wombok Salad with Honey Soy Glazed Pumpkin! It is a great way to bring some new life to the old faithful pumpkin who is helping us get through winter.

Wombok is a type of Chinese cabbage, and it sure does make a great salad! It has a mild flavour and some good crunch to it when eaten raw. If you have some left over you can even use it in salad sandwiches, or cook it lightly in other dishes.

Our honey soy glaze is made with local honey, which can now be purchased from our farm gate! It does need to be pre-purchased online here. For all of our vegetable box customers who receive deliveries, yes we can add this honey to your delivery 🙂 Just give us a call.

Wombok Salad with Honey Soy Glazed Pumpkin

Recipe for Wombok Salad with Honey Soy Glazed Pumpkin

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour

1/2 Pumpkin, cut into 2cm wedges
2 tbsp honey
3 tbsp soy sauce

1/2 Wombok, thinly sliced
1 Red Onion, thinly sliced
3 tbsp sesame seeds

1 part sesame oil
1 part olive oil
1 part lemon juice
1/2 part soy sauce

1. Preheat your oven to 170 degrees celsius.
2. Cut your pumpkin into wedges, lay them on a baking tray. Combine your soy sauce and honey and use a brush to cover both sides of the pumpkin with the mixture. *See tip below if you’re having trouble blending your honey and soy.
3. Put into the oven and bake for 30 mins. Then remove and flip the pumpkin pieces, brushing more of your honey soy mixture on. Bake for another 30 minutes, or until soft.
4. Thinly slice your wombok and onion and put into a bowl. Mix your salad dressing and dress your wombok.
5. In a small frying pan add some sesame seeds and heat on the stove top until brown and toasty. Make sure you stay watching it and keep mixing them because they burn easily.
6. When pumpkin is cooked, serve it on your wombok salad base and sprinkle with some sesame seeds to serve.

Wombok Salad with Honey Soy Glazed Pumpkin

If your honey is really solid and not combining with the soy well, put the two in a heat proof cup. Put that cup in a bowl and add hot water into the bowl around the cup. Make sure the water level as high as the honey and soy level. Just gently stir it while it is having its warm bath and it will help it to combine.

Wombok Salad with Honey Soy Glazed Pumpkin

Bon appétit!

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